

An update of Adrian's questions.

It might be interesting to get together a ist of the number of winders that still survive, their details and how many do or could still work


There are three headframes at S. Crofty namely:  Robinson's, Cook's and New Roskear shafts.  Cook's is almost a double headframe as there are both North (rock) and South (man) hoists. The North winder hoist house building has been sold and removed from site.
Robinson's winder was severely damaged by fire a couple of years ago.

Geevor - Wethered shaft has a timber headframe and non-operational electric winder.  Victory shaft, steel headframe has an electric winder, disabled but complete except for the electrics, and the original steam winder that came from Wheal Vor in the 1920's

One small steel headframe at Great Condurrow on Vivian's shaft - this is CSM's mine which is administered from King Edward Mine.  Tiny single drum hoist for material only

Nothing at Tywarnhaile - RSM's mine

One at Mount Wellington - no winder

One on Allen's shaft at Botallack - no winder

One at Wheal Concord - this is ex Wheal Jane and before that was at Cligga in 1962.  No winder.


Tony Brooks
Polstrong Cottage, Polstrong, Camborne, Cornwall, TR14 0QA
Tel - (0)1209 713506