


In early 1864 the miners in West mine hit a fault.  Stephen Osborne
reported to the board of the Alderley Edge Mining Company that the No 1
bed of copper had been dislocated and thrown.
To find the cupreiferous sandstone again the miners drove an inclined
level upwards.  The top of plank shaft is half way along this level.
By March 1864 they had found the copper sandstone again. Plank shaft
(80ft) and chain shaft were sunk to connected the new workings on the
far side of the fault to the railway/haulage level below. The
railway/haulage level is blocked at the bottom of both shafts.
Ore was dropped down both of the shafts and transferred to mine tubs to
be taken to the surface.
As far as I know there are no workings off both shafts they were sunk in
unproductive ground.  
Alan Scragg
