

Scott et al-

 I read your initial notice and thought your comments were nicely
balanced, and don't quite understand why some jumped at the "trudge to the
Library" point of view.  I guess it all depends on were the library in
located - often it IS rather inconvenient and then it DOES become a drudge
and a chore.  I know for a fact that one of the biggest complaints here is
that the Library is tucked away out of most user's reach, and it does
discourage a lot of users.  I can think of several libraries that caused
me to react in a similar manner.  It is in fact a comment that should be
taken under advisement if it is directed at "your" library, and try to
convince administrators of the need to improve access, as in online.

Dalia Kleinmuntz, AHIP           [log in to unmask]
Director, Webster Library, Evanston Hospital
Evanston Northwestern Healthcare
847-570-2664                   847-570-2926 FAX

Opinions expressed are my own and do not reflect those of ENH.
is the particular article that's being discussed.