

Dear All

I'm mailing on behalf of our recently installed Computer Assisted
Learning Room Officer, Catherine Erdal. Catherine is feeling a little
lonely in her work and is keen to find out if there are any other CAL
people out there who would be willing to share ideas. I think she is
hoping to set up a mailing list for them.

If you have a CAL facility would you please mail the contact details for
the person in charge to me, and I will pass them on to Catherine. (I
won't define *CAL* as I am sure that one of the things that will
interest Catherine is the different ways and means in which people
interpret that. However, she has a website at
which may enlighten you as to how we have interpreted *CAL*)

TIA, as ever

Sara Stock
Library Services Manager 
North Essex Hospitals' Library & Information Service
Colchester General Hospital
Turner Road
T: (01206) 742146 or 742396
F: (01206) 742107
