

Eve has already told you of the Date, Time and Venue of the meeting on
E-Journals but in case you have not noted it down it is 
Date Tuesday 4th July
Time    12.45-1.45
Place   The Abbey Room, 4th floor

The definitive panel for Tuesday's meeting is

Chair		Derek Law
UMSLG		Louise Jones
RLG		Peter Baker (Trent region)
NHS/IPU	Veronica Fraser
RCP		Caroline Moss-Gibbons
A JISC representative.

and the Agenda is

Access Management 
Cross-sector licensing 

Since we have managed to assemble such a distingusted/influential panel I
anticipate both a good turn out and a lively disscussion. Please all
librarians do come along. You might think that it is not important to you
and your library at present but E-journals are here to stay and we
Librarians need to have some control. 

If you are worried about missing lunch don't despair I have been told that
you can collect your lunch and bring it to the Abbey Room and no one will
mind if you eat it while the meeting is going on.

Hope to see you all Tuesday lunchtime if not before and those who have told
me they can not attend someone will be taking minutes.


Pat Bowen
Librarian and Information Manager
West Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust
Twickenham Road
