

The BLDSC changes / charges became fully known to me last week & I was in
touch with Stephen Prowse about it.  Have also had long conversations with
DSC folk plus spoken to a number a Scottish libraries' ILL departments.  As
a result :-

All Scottish libraries on our mailing list are being invited to an open
meeting with BLDSC representatives on Thursday 9 March, at 10.30 am, in The
Causewayside Building, National Library of Scotland.  Letters/Attendance
forms should go out early next week to all ILL departments and a goodly
number of 'Chiefs'.

Our mailing list does not neccessarily cover all Scottish libraries
registered with BLDSC so, if you don't usually receive mailings from us but
are interested in attending the meeting (or think you haven't received our
letter) do not hesitate to get in touch with us.  Due to combination of
leave/business absences, if e-mailing, please use the address

[log in to unmask]

rather than my own to ensure there is no delay in our getting back to you.
Alternatively, phone / fax the number(s) below.

>From the e-mails on the list, it seems that not everyone has received the
DSC letters.  This may be because the first two (Dec 1999 & Jan. 2000) were
only sent to libraries which had purchased DSC forms in the preceding 18
months.  A third letter, dated 2 Feb., was sent to a selection of 'Chiefs'
(not too certain of the selection criteria) and a fourth one is in process
of being despatched to, I believe, ILL departments of libraries registered
with DSC.



Pat McKenzie
Head, Inter-Library Services
National Library of Scotland
33 Salisbury Place

E-mail (personal):  [log in to unmask]

E-mail (general/ILL): [log in to unmask]

Tel: +(44)(0)131-466 3815 (direct)
     +(44)(0)131-226 4531 Ext. 3315 (via switchboard)

Fax: +(44)(0)131-466 3814 (direct)
