

The self-booking sample screen in the user manual record 3958 shows a 
7-day loan item, so daily loan items must be bookable.  I cannot find
anything in the manual to suggest that you cannot make daily as well as 
hourly loan items bookable.  Staff can of course override most things, 
so I'm assuming that you are talking about making your 7-day loan items

Although we have not attempted to make daily loan items bookable I 
wonder if there might be something in your booking rule (which you
cannot display at present) preventing you from making daily loan items 
bookable.  It might be worth asking the Help Desk to check your booking

BTW, the good news is that in Release 2001 you will be able to view the
following rules that you cannot currently display online:

	Request Rule
	Suppress Rule
	Bookings Rule
	Delete Rule

P.S. To our friends at London Guildhall University - this is a discussion
list for current and potential users of the INNOPAC/Millennium system.  So
if we don't mention a specific library system we are talking about 

On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Sheila Helen Smart wrote:

> Does anyone have, or know if it's possible to have, a bookable loan period
> which is measured in days, not hours? We are experimenting with a 7-day
> loan period with similar rules to our Short Loan period of 4 hours ie.
> bookable but not holdable, but are having difficulty in getting the
> parameters correct and would appreciate any help. We suspect that the best
> we could do would be to have a 7-day loan which is holdable.

Mieko Yamaguchi                                [log in to unmask]
Technical Services Manager/System Coordinator        +44 (0)1248 382970
Main Library, University of Wales Bangor, UK   +44 (0)1248 382979 (Fax) 
