

Sound like practice elsewhere is similar to here at Stirling.

1. We add all e-journals to the library catalogue - adding additional
information to the record for the printed version where appropriate or
creating a new bib record for e-only titles. We have a constantly changing
cataloguing policy for e-resources.
2. The library's webpages information resources section - has details of
major e-journal sources and selected lists by subject. 
3. We mark the last box of print at the shelf with a sticker directing the
user to the catalogue as the journal is now available online.

My view is that they must be on the catalogue to allow the user full access
to the library's collections in print and electronically, together from the
same source. However, it involves a great deal of work and has placed
significant additional pressure on the team involved.

Colin Sinclair
Head of Bibliographic Services
University of Stirling	
Tel: 01786 - 467218
Fax: 01786 - 466866
email: [log in to unmask]
> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Rosamund Morgan [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent:	20 October 2000 11:17
> To:	[log in to unmask]
> Subject:	Promotion of e-journals
> We are finding at the Didsbury site that, in spite of our 
> encouragement both at the Enquiry Desk and during induction and 
> research sessions, our students are not using our e-journals as 
> much as they could be and so we are looking for ways of 
> promoting them.We are thinking at the moment in terms of a 
> printed leaflet and something on the library web site. I would be 
> interested to hear about what others have done in this area and 
> whether it's been successful.
> Also, is anyone aware of a method by which we could flag up on 
> the electronic databases those e-journal titles to which we have a 
> subscription? (I realise there would be a charge for this if such a 
> sevice existed).
> Ros Morgan
