

There's been a silence on this one. 

Would any one like to help? (HA Librarians.....?)


-----Original Message-----
From:	Stewart, David 
Sent:	10 October 2000 15:15
To:	'LIHNN'; Barbara Sen; Colin Davies; David Ellis; Evans M(QCW)SCheshire-HA; Linda Chapelhow; Linda Ferguson; Liz Farrell; Liz Walton; Madelaine McDonald; Margaret Greenwood; Proudlove Chris (QC2) Liverpool HA; Shan Annis; Tracy Roberts-Cuffin
Subject:	Information resources for NHS Human Resources / Org Development Managers


I've been asked to speak to a group of 40 - 50 Human Resources & Organisational Development Directors/Managers from the NW Region on 30 November. 

They want two things:

a. An overview of knowledge management developments and info about resouces available to them back at base. I can do that.

b. An overview of information resources, sources, shortcuts and quality information resources in their field.... which I can't do. I need someone to deliver that part of the session.

Total time vailable is 1.5 hours - but need to build in some question time. I woiuld have thought 30 minutes each, plus 20-30 mins questions.

The session is being run in Warrington between 1030 and 2.00pm and is one of 6 developmental days being organised by Regional Office for HR Directors.

Anyone able to help to deliver this?

David Stewart

Regional Director of Health Libraries
Health Care Libraries Unit
Thelwal House
Warrington Hospital
Warrington WA5 1QG

01925 662199
0774 7021368 (mobile)
01925 662588 (fax)
