

I've only just had a note of this, and it closes today....but if you're interested, you've time!

Hope all members are enjoying their Summer.  Might I meet some of you on the conference circuit (e.g. EARIE meeting in Lausanne)?


Gavin Reid
Chairman, NIE

p.s. The post I mentioned is:

Europe Economics
Senior Economist
European Economic Research Ltd (Europe Economics) is a new consultancy specialising in economic regulation, competition policy, and the application of economics to public policy and business issues.  Our clients include economic regulators and government bodies, private sector companies, law firms, and the European Commission.
Due to continuing expansion of our business we wish to recruit consultants at a senior level who are expert in the communications sector or in competition policy.  Candidates should have at least five years relevant experience in industry, universities or consultancy as well as excellent economic qualifications.
We offer a friendly but intellectually demanding working environment and competitive remuneration.
If you are interested, please send your CV by 31 July to:
Dermot Glynn
Europe Economics
Chancery House
53-64 Chancery Lane
London WC2A 1QU
or email to: [log in to unmask]

Professor Gavin C Reid
Director, Centre for Research into Industry, Enterprise, Finance and the Firm (CRIEFF)
Department of Economics
St Salvator's College
University of St Andrews
St Andrews
KY16 9AL
Scotland, UK

Personal Tel/Message:   01334 462431    
CRIEFF Office Tel/Fax/Message:  01334 462438 (short documents)
Economics Dept. Office:         01334 462420
Economics Dept. Fax:            01334 462444 (long documents)
e-mail:         [log in to unmask]
CRIEFF e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

Chairman, Network of Industrial Economists (NIE)

indecon www:

Queens' College, University of Cambridge - Annual Conference of NIE -
   30/31 March 2000

Professor Reid may not be able to reply to your email immediately, but would hope to reach you as soon as possible