

Dear Shan (and ILT)

I'm one of the physicist members of the ILT - and I'm sure your physicist
colleagues see Manchester University as a competitor.  I'm also an
external examiner for their MSc course!   Feel free to make whatever use
you can of that information.

Nevertheless I do see myself as a physicist-who-lectures rather than a
lecturer-of-physics, and I suspect that most of my collegues in
Manchester, Royal Holloway, and everywhere are pretty much the same.  Of
course there is a lot of fascinating and useful stuff one can learn from
other disciplines, but I think that, at any rate to begin with, people 
will find it valuable to work with groups within the same subject boundary
who share a background and experience and tribal chants.

I hope the ILT can move forward in setting up such subject groups (and
I'll be happy to offer to help organise/encourage potential ILT
                       Roger Barlow
