

While texts dealing with women maybe few, the anti-woman ones have become so pervasive in religious society as to effect the entire society not just the religious communities. While it is clear that many religious texts were written by men in anti-woman times, the message behind those texts has become definitive in society.

I too feel for women still battering at the doors to be let in. I am one of those women. i have tried walking away, but always come back to the fact that i feel I should not have to give up a mode of expression i love because i do not have the equipment genderwise to fulfill some ancient tradition.

In some ways it is changing.  Although it is often by default and that saddens me. I am a social worker in a nyc foster care agency. One of our 4 year old children died this weekend and the mainstream minister was delayed and could not make the memorial service. The family wanted a religious service in a christian tradtion. Myself and another social worker-male led it.  The family took comfort and peace from it. Was this work any less divine or sacred because a woman led it. i think not.  I think the message here is that the institutional church needs to wake up and see that women can and will perform priestly duties.  Even if we start out only by default, it is movement. I guess that is why i still batter at the doors.---Kath