

Hi, all -- I'm a Religious Studies student at the University of Ottawa, almost
out of Undergrad Hell, interested in, well -- Deities, Sex, Gender, and Blood.

(which means, at various times, that I'm working on Islamic feminism, SM and
spirituality, queerness and religion, Neo-Paganism and sexuality, Neo-Paganism,
spirituality and SM, transexualism and other gender-variance cross-culturally,
queer readings of modern renderings of traditional ballads, and lots and lots of
other vaguely odd things, most of which cause deep awkward silences when brought
up at dinner parties. :-)

In what passes for my free time I'm a "condom-pusher" (safer-sex educator and
activist) and I read great quantities of light fiction.

I have a cat. She is neglected and abused. Just ask her.

I like grounded theory a lot, think postmodernism is fun, and can't stand
functionalism but use it a lot anyway. People keep trying to make me read
Wittgenstein. I am trying to read Maffesoli, but he makes me all bemused and
befuddled, as does Levi-Strauss, who I adore anyway.

That is probably TOO MUCH INFORMATION, yes? :-)

Oh, and I overuse emoticons, but can be trusted with semicolons.

Max Dashu wrote:

> One thing for sure: none of us can really understand the private hell Daly
> went through as a lone female student in Catholic theological schools in
> the 60s. (Talk about a radicalizing experience:

IIRC, she had to attend classes behind a curtain, so she wouldn't distract the
'real' (male) students.

And, she is -- what, 70? She's not going to change; she is a product of an
environment that is dead and gone.  And it is dead and gone to a great extent
because of her.

She's still really angry, and she's still saving her resources entirely for
other women, and I think that is probably a very conscious stance.  To some
degree, I think she doesn't necessarily want to hurt or abuse men as much as she
wants to simply and concretely show them what it can REALLY be like for women.
That can be a very very useful lesson, if it is received as one.

And honestly, I can see the value of women-only classes.  I think  that value is
diminishing. I think feminist thealogy/theology/theory is finally able to come
back and talk to everyone -- because it has had some protection while it
developed.  But that is Monday morning quarterbacking; she was one of the first,
and she developed a way of doing it that did what she wanted to do. That's a


Of all the tributes now surging forth, none should bring a greater sense of
pride to Canadians than the fact that, in the White House tapes of Richard
Nixon, many of the "expletives deleted" were placed immediately ahead of the
words "Pierre Elliott Trudeau." -- Ron Haggart