


arts, museums & galleries working with people in the North East

28th November, 10.00 - 3.30
Bede's World, Jarrow, Tyne & Wear

You are invited to: 

*	the launch of Conversations, an exciting new report on the work of
museums, galleries and arts 
	organisations in the North East of England
*	hear examples of working with new partners
*	air your views through a discussion panel
*	visit the new museum and Anglo-Saxon farm at Bede's World
*	attend an audience development workshop led by Sue Wilkinson of

Conversations is a new report published by NEMS, Northern Arts and the
Community & Outreach Forum. Conversations celebrates the work of museums,
galleries and arts organisations with people in our region and shows just
how, with others, these cultural bodies contribute to regeneration,
learning, access, personal and community well-being, and inclusion. It is
also a frank discussion of where we've been and where we may be heading.

During the day at Bede's World, delegates will receive a copy of the report
and have the opportunity to hear about the outstanding work that has been
happening in the region over the last few years with diverse audiences. Case
studies will give people an honest account of how projects developed and how
the people involved were affected by their connection with museums and arts.
The speakers will also offer suggestions for creating links with new

After lunch and a tour of the new museum and Anglo-Saxon farm, the afternoon
session will be lead by Sue Wilkinson, Senior Adviser, Education, Access &
Audience Development at Resource, the Council for Museums, Archives &
Libraries. This workshop will look at the principles of audience development
and, through practical exercises and group-work, will assist organisations
in developing their own strategies. 

Please note: there is a charge of £3.00 for lunch (cheques payable to 'North
East Museums' please). 

10.00			Arrive/ coffee

10.15			Welcome - outline of day
10.30			Launch of Conversations report; Sue Underwood &
Andrew Dixon

10.45	Benwell, Centre of the Universe. 
Andrew Parkin, Museum of Antiquites, Newcastle University. School &
communtiy web project.

11.05	Eye Threes
Lesley Cooke, ctc (Cleveland Theatre Company). Theatre/ drama project with
young children & adults

11.25	Bensham Friends of Beamish
Anne Wilson. Museum project with older learners, and ethnic minority and
refugee groups

11.45			Panel - questions & discussion
12.00 			'Welcome to Bede's World' - Director, Miriam Harte

12.15 - 1.30		Tour of Museum - lunch - free time

1.30			Sue Wilkinson 'What is Audience Development?'
1.50			'The Vision Game' - group work

2.10 - 2.30		Break

2.30			Developing audiences at your venue 
3.15			Feedback/ discussion
3.30			Close

I will be pleased to attend the launch of Conversations and the audience
development training workshop at Bede's World, on Tuesday 28th November 

Name: 		................................................. Tel:
I will attend 		all day / morning session only / afternoon session
Lunch required	Yes/ No 	
Requirements:	.....................................
(Please enclose a cheque for £3.00 if you require lunch payable to 'North
East Museums')

Please return slip to: 

Ian Blackwell, Audience Development Officer, NEMS, 
House of Recovery, Bath Lane, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 5SQ
e-mail: [log in to unmask]    Tel: 0191 222 1661    Fax: 0191 261 4725

If you are unable to attend, copies of the report are avialble from NEMS -
Cost: £7.00

Ian Blackwell
Audience Development Officer

North East Museums
House of Recovery
Bath Lane
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE4  5SQ
tel:   0191 222 1661
fax:  0191 261 4725
