

Sorry about that Cressida. I have your email details incorrect on my
contacts list (I currently am sending papers for your attention to
[log in to unmask]). I've not received any message to tell me that address
isn't reaching you. I'll update my details and send you copies of the papers
from the recent meeting.

Your query prompts me to ask a wider question of all list members, as part
of our debate about the future. Do we need a separate category of
'non-attending' members? Given that we now have a well established mailing
list and web site, would it be an option to simpy treat all of the list
subscribers as non-attending members, and post agendas, minutes and papers
to the list archive where anyone who wants to can get them?

The pros and cons I can see of this are:-

*The whole list membership gets to see in more detail how FISHEN runs
itself, so there is a better sense of community / accountability etc.
*Administrative work is simplified by removing a separate circulation of
papers etc.

*It would be difficult to be sure that FISHEN papers and other vital
information were reaching specific people in relevant organisations.
*If you don't have email you would effectively be excluded from involvement 
(I'm less and less convinced by this arguement given the number of ways of
getting email access these days - do we have any list members reading this
on their TV or mobile phone yet?)

I would welcome comments from all list members on this, as well as our
existing non-attending members.

Edmund Lee
FISHEN Coordinator

-----Original Message-----
From: Chappell, Cressida E [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 27 July 2000 11:08
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: RE: FISHEN

Dear Edmund

Current discussion on the FISHEN list has just made me realise that although
I'm a 'non-attending' member of FISHEN I haven't received any papers for
several months. Should I have received anything?

with best wishes


Cressida Chappell, Head of the History Data Service, Data Archive,
University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ, UK. Tel: +44
(0)1206 873984. Fax: +44 (0)1206 872003. Email [log in to unmask] URL:
