

Following the long debate about violence, I am struck by a question and
I would like to know if anyone has any thoughts on this: has anyone else
noticed how often we all (including me) fall back on *anecdotes* about
responses to violence in different media/art forms?  Sometimes the
anecdotes are very good ones, really insightful, and pose challenges to
a lot of standard thinking and assumptions - but the fact is that they
remain anecdotes, and that can only get you so far.

I know I do it myself from time to time, and it has worried me for quite
a long time.  It is as if we can't lift ourselves to a higher level of
generality - or if we do, we seem quickly to become vulnerable to ways
of categorising 'violence' that arise from traditions of research which
we find problematic.

What is it about this issue which makes *research* so difficult?  I have
my own views on this, but I am interested to hear other people's take on

Martin Barker