

// : || ~ ~ : |------->

    F I L M - P H I L O S O P H Y
    Internet Salon (ISSN 1466-4615)

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Please do not use html or styled formatting when sending messages -- some
members will not be able to read your post, and non-formatted texts take up
less bandwidth and thus download quicker. Set your email software to
compose messages in plain text (ascii). For example, if you are using
Outlook Express go into your Preferences, located in the Edit menu; click
on Message Composition, and under Mail Sending Format switch to Plain Text
(you should also uncheck 'Reply to messages in the format they were sent').
Apart from anything else, the salon is generally committed to public access
internet forms (i.e. acsii emails and simple web design).

Styled formatting can be replaced by a simple ascii text style guide: to
emphasise words *quote with asterisks*; film and book titles should be
marked with underscores -- Deleuze's _Cinema_, Sokurov's _Mother and Son_;
mark titles of articles and all quotations with 'single quotation marks';
and instead of tabs or indents simply separate paragraphs with a one line

Also to save on bandwidth and time, when hitting 'reply' please always
delete the text of the message you are replying to (but by all means quote
lines you particularly want to refer to).

When sending a message please check that the subject line reflects the
message. If you are replying to a digest message (or someone else's reply),
please take a second to alter the subject line from 'Re: Digest of
film-philosophy...' to the subject line of the specific message you are
refering to. Not only does this make it easy for other members to follow
the current discussion(s), but it also means that checking a previous
subject thread at the website archive is made easier.

Generally do not send attachments or 'business cards' to the list. An
attachment may contain a virus, may be in a format others cannot use, may
not make it through some mail gateways, and will bog down both the list
server and the mail server.

If someone posts an obviously non-film philosophical query (a grey area
itself) then do not clutter the salon by berating the sender, but simply
ignore the query. If you do wish to respond, do so to the individual, not
the salon. And if a member uses coarse or crude language do not reply in
kind, but simply respond to the ideas and arguments.

If you want to limit your incoming mail you can change to the digest
version of the salon. This will allow you to receive posts from the salon
as a single large subject-indexed message, about once a day. To change to
digest membership simply send the message:
set film-philosophy digest
[log in to unmask]

To leave the Film-Philosophy email salon just send the message:
leave film-philosophy
[log in to unmask]

If you have problems unsubscribing, or sending messages generally, then do
not ask for help via the salon, but simply write to the editor at:
[log in to unmask]

