

This is posted on behalf of Anna McCormack.

-David Pearson
(a list-owner)

Anna McCormack
Explore 2000
the 24th annual Expedition Planning Seminar
at the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), 1 Kensington Gore, London, SW7
Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th November 2000
Chaired by Professor Bob Allison, University of Durham

For Full details telephone 020 7591 3030, email [log in to unmask], 
or go to for a booking form / working

EXPLORE 2000 is the 24th annual expedition planning seminar to be hosted by
and held at the RGS-IBG. The weekend is organised by the Expedition Advisory
Centre, which assists over 500 field research expeditions annually.  Nigel
Winser, head of the Expeditions and Fieldwork Division of the RGS-IBG,
points out that "there are many public events aimed at travellers and
trekkers, but this is the only event of the year specifically designed to
inspire and inform those undertaking scientific field research overseas".

This seminar is primarily aimed at university students planning to carry out
their first overseas field research.  A large proportion of the weekend is
spent looking at practicalities like the design of research projects and
ethical considerations of relevance to different fields.  The conference
brings together over 100 leading field scientists and explorers from
different disciplines and therefore is as relevant to those planning to
undertake marine research as it is to those interested in community
education projects or the geo-referencing of ecological data.  

In addition, the conference is relevant to those working in the field of
disabled inclusion with one workshop specifically designed to look inclusion
in and support for disabled explorers and researchers.  Charity fundraising
expedition organisers and adventurous expedition organisers are also likely
to benefit from the practical advice available on issues like project
management, budgeting and fundraising, risk assessment, environmental impact
minimisation, use of photography and film to record research and the
establishment of robust remote communication systems.

On the Saturday specific workshops look at the logistical issues involved
with carrying out research in  varied ecosystems including; mountain areas,
polar regions, tropical forests, deserts and savanna ecosystems, rivers,
lakes and oceans and caves.  Many of the contributors will be attending as
experts in particular regions (West Africa, Eastern Europe etc) and, in
addition, workshops will be held that look at the specific logistics of
travelling using vehicles and bicycles to travel over different terrain.   

On the Sunday, expert advice will be available through workshops looking at
the following disciplines:

botany ecology herpetology ornithology small mammals large mammals
entomology forestry non timber forest products underwater and marine
research projects       geomorphology glaciology hydrology geological
mapping engineering geology soils and sediments pollution monitoring remote
sensing field surveying,  mapping GPS and GIS   people oriented research
participatory rural appraisal tourism studies anthropological research
conservation education community projects ethnobiology medical research

Contributors will include Nick McWilliam, mapping and geographic information
systems specialist (British Antarctic Survey), Bob Allison, lecturer in
geography, (University of Durham), Carolyn Jones, Participatory Rural
Appraisal specialist, Emma Loveridge, specialist in the Sinai, where she
runs schools expeditions and Owen Mountford, research ecologist (Institute
of Terrestrial Ecology).  Delegate numbers have been limited to 200 to
ensure maximum potential for 'one to one' consultations with the speakers
and exhibitors throughout the weekend.

COST (including lunch)
Places £75 for the weekend or £50 for students and the unwaged.


Anna Mc Cormack
Expedition Advisory Centre
Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers)
1 Kensington Gore  London  SW7 2AR
Tel: +44.(0)20.7591.3032   Fax: +44.(0)20.7591.3031  Website:

EXPLORE 2000: 
The Expedition Planning Seminar.
This annual EAC event is scheduled for Sat. and Sun. 18th & 19th Nov. 2000. 
 Please contact me for further details / download a working programme or a
booking form from the website

Please note:
(i) if you wish us to send you publications / course details, you will also
need to include your postal address.  
(ii) publications are only sent out on receipt of payment.


David Pearson,              Phone: +44 (0)118  9318741
ESSC,                       Fax:   +44 (0)118  9316413 
University of Reading,      Email: [log in to unmask]
Reading RG6 6AL,            
