

> And what?  Things would be much different with only one entity controlling
> the media?  Also, again this is a sweeping polemic statement with little
> about as much evidence as Rockwell used to back it up.
> Ahh yes, democratic nations with (relatively) free markets are identical
> to Nazi Germany.  Puhlease!  Talk about sweeping polmic statements.
> Your absolutely right, central planning is the way to go.  Lets not worry
> about what an environmental mess countries that were under Central
> Planning are...anything is better than the market.
Where did I write that? Your problem is that there is only black and white
for you. It's either total free market or totalitarian system. Both are
utopia with the potential to do much distruction. My statement about the
paralelles between Naziism and (extrem) neo-liberal free market economy were
mostly meant to provoke you. I didn't say the I have a problem with (social)
free markets. I believe that free markets have their place but that they are
unable to solve certain social and environmental problems and that they
certainly have no place in education and a limited place in media. I in no
way wrote or implied that I believe in central economic planning or in
totalitarian systems (and this is also true for all environmentalists that I
have met in my life).
IMO an ethic built on complete egotism is as absurd as an ethic built on
complete altruism. Obviously there has to be a healthy share of both so we
might as well stop discussing either extreme and start discussing which
inbetween makes the most sense.


> =====
> "In a nutshell, he [Steve] is 100% unadulterated evil. I do not believe in
> 'Satan', but this man is as close to 'the real McCoy' as they come."
> --Jamey Lee West
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