

Over 150 people from Australia, Europe, and North America convened in York,
England, December 7-8, 2000, for an international conference on digital
preservation. Sponsored by Cedars (CURL Exemplars in Digital Archives), the
Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), the Research Libraries Group, and
OCLC, the conference provided a venue to share, disseminate, and discuss
current issues concerning the preservation of digital materials. A key
development from the conference was the proposal  to develop a Digital
Preservation Coalition in the UK to pursue a digital preservation agenda for
the UK within an international context.

In conjunction with the conference, a one-day workshop, Information
Infrastructures for Digital Preservation, was held on December 6 to focus on
the necessary information infrastructures for preserving digital materials
over the long term.

A report on the conference and workshop by Robin Dale and Neil Beagrie is now
available in The December, 2000 issue of RLG DigiNews (Volume 4, Number 6)  at
      (from North American, and other world sites) or
      (from UK Janet sites) or
      (from most European sites)

Full proceedings from both events will be available on the RLG Web site in
the next week, but in the interim, this article serves to summarize and
publicize the valuable presentations and discussions that took place.
Conference papers will also be published in the Journal of New Librarianship
in the New Year.

Neil Beagrie


Neil Beagrie
Assistant Director              JISC Digital Preservation Focus
JISC/DNER Office,               Tel/Fax/Voicemail :+44 (0)709 2048179
King's College London           email:      [log in to unmask]
Strand Bridge House         url:  
138 - 142, The Strand,          email list:
London WC2R 1HH
