

Request for Comment

Dataon Disability


  A key area where HE and FE institutions will need to collect and 
process sensitive data is that of service provision for disabled staff 
and students, as there is an obvious correlation between the 
disclosure of disability status and the ability of institutions to 
ensure that as full a range of services as possible can be supplied.  
Institutions will often collect student disability information at the 
admission stage (for example, through UCAS, and through the 
reference letters, interviews etc.), but collection of disability data 
may also occur throughout the period of study.  The use of 
“blanket” consent forms is inappropriate for many forms of data 
collections, but particularly so for collection of sensitive personal 
data, including disability data.

* HE and FE institutions should provide:

 - mechanisms to ensure that where disability data is provided for a 
stated purpose, such as to ensure adequate service provision, it is 
not misused for other purposes, such as to make a decision about 
whether or not to admit a student to a course of study
 - safeguards to protect disabled students against discrimination, 
harassment, and victimisation that may arise from any disclosure 
of their disability status.
 - clear and readily accessible remedies for disabled students in 
cases where they suffer distress or damage due to misuse of the 
information about their disability status.
 - a system whereby when there is a need to disclose disability 
data to external organisations, prior consent of the data subject 
can be obtained for each disclosure and the nature of the 
information to be disclosed, the intended recipient, and the purpose 
of disclosure can be provided to the data subject. (potential 
 - adequate information to all applicants, students and staff 
regarding institutional policies relating to the confidentiality and 
disclosure of personal information on disabilities, including 
information that is gathered for monitoring purposes; 
 - procedures that both protect an individual's privacy and permit 
necessary disclosure for the provision of effective support for 
disabled students or to ensure health and safety.

Andrew Charlesworth
Senior Lecturer in IT law
Director, Information Law and Technology Unit
University of Hull Law School
Hull, UK, HU6 7RX
Voice: 01482 466387   Fax:   01482 466388
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
