

1) The employer must have a clear policy on Internet access, covering what sites may be visited, and the limits on private use of the facility

2) The employer must ensure that every employee is aware of and understands the policy

3) If the the employer intends to monitor internet usage, they must warn employees beforehand.

4) Employers should demonstrate their committment to enforcing their policy by installing software to block access to unacceptable sites.


>> "Duncan S Smith" <[log in to unmask]> 03/20 5:55 pm >>>
Dear All

As I don't know of another list discussing this Act, and considering it's
general relevance to DP discussions, please excuse the posting here. If
there is another more appropriate discussion group, please let me know!

My questions are;

Employee A has been given access to the internet from his/her desktop. Does
the employer have the right to collect information regarding the sites/times
employee A visits on the web, and the right to restrict access to certain
sites, as with parental controls.?

What (legal) risk is there to the employer regarding any material downloaded
i.e. pornography, if no controls (software) are in place.


