

----- Original Message -----
From: paula.leon <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 3:28 PM
Subject: To YOT or not to YOT

> Does anyone out there, have a YOT team in your organisation?
> If so have you filed a separate notification?
> If you have can you explain this to me as confused over the issue of
> a separate notification, I know there is talk about this, but I did not
> think it had yet been implemented as a requirement.
> Help, urgent clarification needed (some many conflicting views), need some
> concrete advice!!!!!!!!

Have two YOT's groups with a number of separate teams under them within the

As part of partnership approach have been involved in trying to sort out the
complexity of the data sharing situation, which revealed news not easily
acceptable to many.  e.g. Education could only lawfully disclose name and
school attended, due to their legislative base.

Separate notification is required for the YOT's.  Reason for that is the
"Data Controller" definition within the DPA 1998.
Unfortunately the YOT work here was mainly under the DPA 1984 and so
'registration' rather than 'notification' was conducted.

Cannot see any other option but to notify when 'data controller' issue is
properly considered.  Originally thought of having common YOT registrations
across all the YOT member organisations until had meeting at the ODPR's
office, where the expected DPA 1998 data controller definition was discussed
and clarified.  After all the YOT's do determine the purpose and manner in
which personal data they hold is processed and they also process some
personal data obtained directly from data subjects.

The ODPC's Annual Report this year contained mention of working with the
Youth Justice Board to develop an information sharing protocol which will
set a nation standard for YOT's.  I have been looking at the YJB web site
but have not yet had sight of the outcomes of that work.

