

I question your assumption that Councillors could not be sources or
disclosures. in fact I would have thought that in order to carry out their
duty to their constituents they would have to be both. Whether, in any
particular circumstances, they are covered by a particular purpose is a
different matter. 
The disclosure you envisage would be likely to create the offence of
unlawful obtaining by the councillor and unlawful disclosure by the

> From: Leif Wilks <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Disclosures to Elected Members
> Date: 12 May 2000 15:01
> Group
> The following situation is, of course, purely hypothetical, but possibly
some of you may have given some thought to it.
> The Data Protection registration of Apennine District Council does not
include elected members in the list of sources and disclosures (and I would
assume that they never could be).
> If Councillor X intimidates Council employee A into disclosing personal
information, without the knowledge or authority of the data subject, is
this obtaining without the consent of the data controller and therefore an
offence? Has the employee committed an offence or is it the Council?
> Any thoughts?
> Leif
