

I only got two replies to the e-mail below. They were to paraphrase:

1. The institution is the data controller where work is done in the 
course of studies and even where the student does private stuff on 
University systems

2. The students are not employees and therefore do not fall under the 
Universities processing conditions and are responsible for their own 
data. Which I take to mean the University is a Data Processor and the 
individual student's their own Data Controllers

Thanks both of you for your responses, but I'm not a lot clearer. Can 
anyone else offer an opinion.

Many thanks

David Marsh

> Once a hot topic at conferences, seminars, etc.  which seems to have 
> gone away. Perhaps its been resolved to every ones satisfaction and 
> I've missed something, but I will ask the questions anyway.
> Who is the Data Controller responsible for personal data obtained, 
> processed and maybe disclosed by students in the course of their 
> academic studies? Does it make any difference whether the data is 
> held on a university computer, the students own or is not 
> computerized? Lastly what about data held on university computers by 
> students and staff  which is not work related and is effectively 
> their private data. I know they should not do it but they do.
> I look forward with interest to your replies.
> David Marsh 
