

Sorry to clog up the network with a mild complaint - so please delete when

My concern is the informal use of the term used for the medical condition
schizophrenia, i.e. schizophrenic. The informal usage definition being -
experiencing or maintaining contradictory attitudes, emotions, etc.

The use of this term to describe contradictory roles, in Charles's email
below, tends to perpetuates the popular view that schizophrenia is
manifested only through symptoms such as split personality or worse, Jekyll
and Hyde.  This is far from the case - there are many symptoms of
schizophrenia, of which this is the most notorious, sensational and populist
held understanding.

Informal use of terms for medical conditions is deeply hurtful to sufferers
and carers, particularly when the usage tends to consolidate popular
misunderstanding of the condition.

Sorry Charles - I'm not having a go at you.  This email requires no

Gil Richardson
Senior Information Manager

email:     [log in to unmask]
Tel:        0171 581 3232 ext 231
Fax:       0171 225 3047

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Christacopoulos [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: 25 October 2000 8:39 pm
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Email monitoring

** Reply to note from "GOULDING, Susan - NC" <[log in to unmask]> Wed,
25 Oct 2000 17:23:50 +0100

> All of which proves my grandmother's 
> adage that "there's nowt so queer as folk" and ensures that reminders to 
> staff about email use will need to be repeated at frequent intervals..


Therefore we have a dual schizophrenic role for data protection officers.
First we have to protect the employer from daft employees ... then we have
to protect the employees from the bad employer.

Then we become bad because the employer pays us to look after the interests
of the corporation not to safeguard the interests of the employees.

I think I should reread Catch-22 ;-)


PS.  This is not a definition of how I would play the role.  I have cracked
it in my mind but would not discuss it publicly.  The big bunny in the
of my office agrees with me.

Charles Christacopoulos, Secretary's Office, University of Dundee, 
Dundee DD1 4HN, Scotland, United Kingdom.
Tel: +44+(0)1382-344891. Fax: +44+(0)1382-201604.
Scottish Search Maestro
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