

** Reply to note from John Gledhill <[log in to unmask]> Wed, 19 Jul 2000 16:11:31 +0100

> It's why I want to go for anonymous pass lists, or a web-based solution 
> as you describe.

Sorry for steering this off topic and perhaps rather inappropriate for the
list.  Because of the inappropriatness feel free to email me directly.

How can we establish a system of IDs and Passwords to control student
access for any information (but let us say Personal or Sensitive) over the

Problem we would not want to issue any additional info to students to
create such an id/password scheme.


Every student has a matriculation number, email name, Surname, DoB ....
other pieces of info.

The ID system for web based system has to be unique either
Matriculation number
email name

Then we need a password, it can be surname (too easy to guess or attempt
to crack), DoB (eaaaasy to guess, 365 permutations for each year, 366 for
leap years).

Could use either or Matric No. and Email name for ID and PAssword but it
is not going to be the most confidential information students have.


sort of issuing "secret" passwords has anyone else got a solution or how
do you do the job.


Charles Christacopoulos, Secretary's Office, University of Dundee, 
Dundee DD1 4HN, (Scotland) United Kingdom.
Tel: +44+(0)1382-344891. Fax: +44+(0)1382-201604.
Scottish Search Maestro
