

The mailin option should also be set to 'off' to prevent non-members
from sending messages to the list, but I suspect it is on most

I suppose the only other protection is for list owners to turn
off the option that allows people to subscribe themselves to
a list.  Then all subscription requests must go through the
owner.  This might be sufficient to put off most spammers who
join, send their spam, and then leave again.  But it makes more
work for list owners, so it's not a change to be made lightly!
(speaking as a mailbase list owner myself).

Best wishes,

At 11:18 20/03/00 +0000, you wrote:
>The spammer also got into Academic Registrars mailbase, which DOES have
>this option switched off!

Adrian Tribe <[log in to unmask]>
Web Editor, Birkbeck College, University of London
