

From: Dan Jellinek
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: 19/09/00 16:56
Subject: E-Government Bulletin

Hello all,

I run a company called Headstar which specialises in new media
publishing in the fields of e-government and the information society,
and I am involved in a few projects which will be of interest to members
of this list. One of these is E-Government Bulletin, our
flagship monthly email newsletter which is and will remain entirely free
to receive. Every month we carry many news stories and
features on the use of the Internet and other new technologies by public
sector bodies. To subscribe simply send a blank email to:
 [log in to unmask]
And for sample coverage, an online archive and full background
information visit our web site at:

Likewise, if any list members would like to contribute to the
newsletter, and bring their work (eg academic research projects or
conferences) to the attention of our 4,000-odd readership please drop me
a line. All ideas for contributions welcome, but again
please do look at our web site first.

Another project which may be of interest is a forthcoming online debate
on the use of technology in healthcare - we are looking to
put together a think-tank for this, and if any list member is interested
in taking part please email me with a couple of paragraphs
stating why you are interested and with brief biographical details. For
more general information on our online debates see

Best regards to all,

Dan Jellinek
