

Hi all

I received the email below out of the ether. I am not quite sure how serious
it is but I thought others might like to see it since it involves that
well-known cyber activist JP Barlow.

I don't know about anyone else but my life is delerious enough already -
even without drugs! Cognitive Libertarians of the world unite, you have
nothing to lose but your current mental faculties...


----Original Message-----
From: Alchemind Society
Sent: 11/04/00 17:03
Subject: Cognitive Liberty Org.

Hi -
I want to invite you to join the Alchemind Society.
The Alchemind Society ( <> )
is a new nonprofit organization working in the public interest to foster
cognitive liberty -- the right of each individual to think
independently, to use the full spectrum of his or her mind, and to
engage in multiple modes of thought. Presently, the Alchemind Society is
the world's only organization championing cognitive liberty. We believe
that effective social policy for the third millennium must recognize a
fundamental right of each person to apperceive the full-spectrum of his
or her mind and to access a diversity of mental states. 

Our Board of Advisors includes: John Perry Barlow, Rick Doblin, Alex
Grey, Lester Grinspoon, M.D., Ralph Metzner, Ph.D., Jonathan Ott, Dale
Pendell, David Presti, Ph.D., Alexander Shulgin, Ph.D., Myron Stolaroff,
M.A., and Thomas Szasz, M.D.

As part of our mission, Alchemind Society members believe that national
and international drug policy should accommodate law-abiding citizens
who sincerely believe that wise and considered use of psychedelics,
MDMA, and marijuana has assisted physical or mental healing, or has
brought them spiritual, epistemological, creative
or productive insights that would otherwise have escaped them. We
believe that the current laws outlawing psychedelics, MDMA, marijuana,
and other cognitive enhancers violate the core of what it means to be
Membership in the Society includes a one-year subscription to the
Journal of Cognitive Liberty. The Journal is a scholarly venue for
expressing thoughts on the importance of cognitive freedom, and for
discussing the politics, policy, and prospects of integrating
full-spectrum-thinking into a modern society.

Please join us in our effort by becoming a member of the Society. For
the complete details of our mission, blip to our Web site at <> .
or jump directly to our on-line membership page at
<> . You can also reach us
toll free at 1-888-950-MIND.

Please forward this message to others you think may be of interest.

--Richard Glen Boire, J.D.
Executive Director
The Alchemind Society: The International Association for Cognitive
Operators of the:
Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics
Journal of Cognitive Liberty
Drug Law Library
