

Message text written by Ian Chivers
> A journal which doesn't have many subscribers, and isn't available in
> libraries isn't much more accessible;  at least many of the better
> postings to this list and to Usenet get grabbed and incorporated in a
> number of web-sites.  They may last as long as Fortran does. 

posting to comp-fortran-90 are archived indefinitely.
I made a case to mailbase some time ago and they accepted
the points and agreed to do this.

Excellent. However, you might be interested to know that doubts about the
very long-term stability of data media and of accessibility to means to
read them recently caused the UK parliament to reaffirm its practice of
printing a copy of all its statutes on vellum! Imagine the Doomsday Book
had been written only on 1/2 " tape!

