

[log in to unmask] wrote:
>I would argue that it is only allowed if the resulting value is the same as 
>that that would follow from the assignment (which is I believe Keith 
>Bierman's and James Giles's interpretation), but it seems that some members 
>of J3 interpret "A common optimization" as implying an allowed optimization.

Or, more to the point:

   However, should the temporary location not have the same 
   representation, for example a Fortran processor using registers 
   with a precision larger than the precision of SUM, then a processor
   making such an optimization would not be conforming.

I guess I need to actually read the documents in question (though
finding them is often a pain).  But this last is the very question I 
was mainly inquiring about.  It seemed to me that the elimination
of SUM would be allowed (assuming it's REAL) if what you did

     100  D = REAL(A + B ,KIND(SUM)) + C
     130  D = REAL(B + A, KIND(SUM)) + C

That now seems to be explicitly the case.

J. Giles
