

We've use both mpich and LAM.  We use the Fujitsu FORTRAN compiler.
Compile times are kind of long, but performance is fine.  We've used
both dual processors boxes, and clusters of dual processor boxes.
Haven't tried to use anything faster than 100 Mbit ethernet between
boxes yet.


Alexei Matveev writes:
 > Dear Colleagues,
 > Does anybody have experience in
 > running (compiling) f90/MPI programs
 > on Linux cluster of _DUAL_ boxes.
 > Is LAM/MPI distributed with SuSE 6.1 an appropriate
 > choice? Particularly for running two processes
 > on one box? Any other choices?
 > We would appreciate any comments on that matter.
 > Thanks in anticipation,
 > Walter Alsheimer, Alexei Matveev
