

> I am still using f77 but could use some assistance.  I am trying to compile
> a code with very large arrays (400,1000,50). I get the following warning
> when I compile the code:
> Warning:  Stack frame size (88004496) larger than system limit (67108864)
> I am running on a SGI - Octane with 128 Megs ram.

Looks like you are trying to use more memory than you are allowed to.  
You, or perhaps your system manager, can probably increase your stack 
size; I believe the command in unix is ulimit or something similar (some 
unix person will undoubtedly post the correct answer).

In general, you can use more memory than the machine has RAM, in a 
virtual memory machine (I guess most are these days), but it might slow 
things down quite a bit.

It might be possible in Fortran90 to make do with less memory; often, a 
lot of stuff was declared in F77 but not all used at once.

Keep in mind that the same program might cause different or no errors on
another system, even with the same amount of memory and the same
settings---what part of memory is allocated on the stack and what on the
heap etc is platform-dependent. 
