

On Thu, 9 Mar 2000, I posted the following problem:

> I have the following problem: I want to set-up a large PARAMETER
> array of derived type, and I need a separate line for each element.
> The problem now is that Fortran 90/95 only allows 39 continuation
> lines, but I need something like 120.  Any ideas how to solve this?
I got two replies, by Dan Nagle and by Thorsten Ohl, both boiling
down essentially to the same procedure:  splitting up the array to
be constructed into several smaller (<= 40 elements) subarrays and
then concatinate them into one large array.  I like this idea, but
doesn't it mean to store the data twice in memory, once as the 
subarrays and once as the final array?  If this is true, and if 
there is no other solution avoiding this, I would consider this 
as a severe weakness of the present F90/95 standard.  Is this 
going to change with F2K?

Thanks for the replies,
|  Roland Schilling                     Home-Office: +49(89)32929-670  |
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