

This is a very elementary question I know, but I just realized that it's
something that I really should understand.

How does Fortran handle signed vs. unsigned integers, given that there's
only a single integer datatype?  If you assign a value > 127 to an
integer*1 variable, does Fortran then assume that it's going to be an
unsigned int and treat it accordingly?  And, if you assign a negative number,
does the compiler then figure out to treat it as a signed int?

And, is the following behaviour a compiler bug?  In the code below,
I can only get it to compile (running on an SGI, IRIX6.5.6f, compiler v7.3)
if I limit the value assigned to int_32 to huge(int_32), otherwise
it won't compile complaining about integer overflow.  But the
assignments of 2*huge(int)+1 to int_8 and int_16 will compile and run fine.

If I write out the contents of the int_8, int_16 and int_32 arrays out
to disk as binary files I get the following numbers:
int_8 = 255              ! as expected
int_16 = 65535           ! as expected
int_32 = 2147483648      ! one more than huge(int_32) ??

Is this behaviour for int_32 another compiler bug?

And is there anyway to get an integer value to print out in unsigned form?
If I write out the values of my arrays as text or view them in the debugger,
they're always interpreted as signed values.



      INTEGER*1, DIMENSION(2,2)    :: INT_8
      INTEGER*2, DIMENSION(2,2)    :: INT_16
      INTEGER*4, DIMENSION(2,2)    :: INT_32

      write(*,*) 'largest int8 value = ',huge(int_8(1,1))
      write(*,*) 'largest int16 value = ',huge(int_16(1,1))
      write(*,*) 'largest int32 value = ',huge(int_32(1,1))

      int_8(:,:) = 2*huge(int_8(1,1))+1
      int_16(:,:) = 2*huge(int_16(1,1))+1
      int_32(:,:) = huge(int_32(1,1))+1



Catherine Moroney                   ph:  (520) 626-5123
Institute of Atmospheric Physics    fax: (520) 621-6833
University of Arizona	            [log in to unmask]
P.O. Box 210081, Room 542
(1118 East 4th Street)
Tucson, AZ  85721-0081
