

In addition to using "extern C" on the C++ side, the function and data block name on the C++ side have to follow the linkage scheme of your Fortran compiler.  In the simplest cases, this scheme is likely to be somewhere between the usual linux/unix ones and the COS (Cray OS) one.

JEAN-JACQUES WASBAUER <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hello,

I have a visual C++ static library and I would like to use it within a
FORTRAN90 code under Windows NT (Microsoft FORTRAN90 Developer Studio).
The interface between both languages is not immediate and I have a serie
of unresolved symbols when tring to build the final executable. These
symbols are linked to the FORTRAN90 calls to C++ library functions (they
are already interfaced to be used by FORTRAN90).

Does anybody can give some helps to resolve these undefined symbols ?

Thanks a lot.

   ___   ___    ___    ___
  /     /   \  /   \  /      |    Jean-Jacques Wasbauer
 |      |   | |_____| \__    |    DTS/MPI/MS/AM - BPI 1214
 |      |   | |          \   |    CNES - 18 av E. Belin
  \_____|   |  \_________/   |    31401 Toulouse Cedex 4 (FRANCE)
     French Space Agency     |    email:  [log in to unmask]
                             |    Tel  :  (33) 05 61 27 34 39
                             |    Fax  :  (33) 05 61 27 35 40