

Juergen VonHagen wrote (little bits snipped for brevity)::

>robin wrote:
>> > From:          Aleksandar Donev <[log in to unmask]>
>> > I have a pedagological question for the Fortran teachers out there.

Variants of this are not only useful for teachers, but also practitioners.

>> > How does one write "best" an expression with mixed types, say:
>> >
>> > complex(kind=sp) :: x,y
>> > integer :: k
>> >
>> > y=(k-1)/(k+1)*x

If k is positive, the first part (integer arithmetic) is always 0, so y is 0
If k is zero, y = -x
If k is negative (except -1), y = 2.*x

This assumes left to right evaluation, so (k+1)/(k-1) is integer arithmetic.  I 
believe this is part of the standard, but would bow to RM's better knowledge.  
If it is not, I have screwed up big time over many years, but my vendors seem to 
believe what I do. 

>> > I recommend to students to explicitly write all the type conversions:
>> >
>> > y=cmplx(k-1,0,sp)/cmplx(k+1,0,sp)*x

Losing track of who wrote what, but the below y = x*(k-1)/(k+1) should work 
well.  A complex multiplied by a real and divided by a real.  The above is 
overly complex (stupid pun).  Do our compiler writers realise that that 
expression is real/real*complex, or does their code go through all the 
aggravation of complex(real,0)/complex(real,0)*complex?  Interested to hear, 
especially from SL who works for my vendor.

I have just re-written two routines in one of my applications where an 
ex-colleague went overboard in a similar fashion.  My re-writes to real 
arithmetic seem to have reduced size and CPU (but so minimally that it's hard to 
judge the latter).

>> > though
>> >
>> > y=x*(k-1)/(k+1)
>> >
>> > also works.
>> Only by accident.  And it's not efficient, either.

No, it doesn't work by accident. It works because of the left/right evaluation 
and because evaluation is done with the highest precision.  Efficiency is 
another story, see above.

>> One must always be careful about writing division involving integers.
>> (k-1)/(k+1) can easily return a zero result, especially wen it's written at 
>> start of an expression (as is your first example).
>> Writing REAL(k+1) is sufficient in your example.
>> Converting to complex is wasteful, and is almost unreadable.
>> It's wasteful because two complex multiplications are introduced
>> when simple scalar multiplication by a complex value is all that's required.
>how about writing

Agreed with the double chevron comment (Robin?).

The last code (if integer is faster than real -- not always true these days) 
could be inferior to REAL(K+1)/(k-1).

Regards, Paddy

Paddy O'Brien,
Transmission Development,
PO Box A1000, Sydney South, 
NSW 2000, Australia

Tel:   +61 2 9284-3063
Fax:   +61 2 9284-3050
Email: [log in to unmask]

Either "\'" or "\s" (to escape the apostrophe) seems to work for most people,
but that little whizz-bang apostrophe gives me little spam.
