

>At 01:25 on 3 June, nop31382 wrote:

>[ Full copy of my message, followed by a MSWord attachment ]

>Can I issue a general plea for messages to the list to be in plain
>text, and for people not to include the text of previous messages
>except as far as is relevant? I can't read MSWord documents (I use
>Unix) so I have no idea what nop31382's message said.

May I issue a general plea for people to remain in the present? 

My mail software can handle attachments and can even handle WORD
 documents but cannot yet handle attachments involving time travel.

"At 01:25 on 3 June," ? It's only 2nd June here. I also haven't yet
 received the posting in question but that could either be a result
 of not having time travel MIME encoding or that our mail server has
 filtered it out as dangerous junk ;-)


Name: John B. Macallister  E-mail: [log in to unmask]
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