

>     I am interested in a fortran program that does the following things:
>             1.- reads from a file of random bites, for example one of
> Marsaglia random generated files
> (
>             2.- transforms this data into real*8 random numbers within
> the
> [0,1] interval.


and run it at the highest level.  All 24 bits of the mantissa are
chaotic, as random as anything in the Marsaglia file mentioned above
(RANLUX is an IMPROVEMENT on some ideas by Marsaglia).  Get as many of
these as you need to get your real*8 mantissa filled up, and put them in
with TRANSFER or whatever.  Just a couple of lines of code, and 
completely standard.

Random number generators are like sex: even the bad ones are still pretty good.

                                                                ---G. Marsaglia

I don't think the above is an exact quote; does anyone have the exact 
quote?  Something like "Random number generators are like sex: when 
they're good, they're REALLY good, but even when they're bad they're 
still pretty good" I seem to remember seeing somewhere.
