The Black and Asian Studies Association organises conferences, symposia and publishes a twice yearly newsletter reporting on its members research into Black and Asian history in Britain. There will be a one day conference on March 1, 2000 at South Camden Community School, Nr Kings Cross, London. The title of the conference is 'The Stuggles for our History in Schools, Past Present and Future. The meeting will also include the AGM, approval of the BASA constitution, and the election of officers. The Newsletter is seeking an editorial board and people to undertake sections of the work involved in producing it. If you are interested in attending the one day conference and/or would like to become involved - please contact Marika Sherwood at BASA, 28 Russell Square, London WC1B 5BD, 0171 862 8844 or email [log in to unmask].
Dr Sandra Courtman
Department of English
School of Humanities
University of Birmingham
Birmingham  B15 2T
Telephone   +44 (0) 121 414 5683
Fax              +44 (0) 121 414 5668
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