

>The David Nicholls Memorial Prize
>The David Nicholls memorial prize is sponsored by Macmillan Caribbean
>Publishers.  It is a prize which will be awarded to post-graduates every
>two years.  The prize is to be up to 10 books from Macmillan Caribbean
>Series and the winner will be announced at the AGM of the Society's Annual
>Conference.  The  announcement will be made at the forthcoming 2001
>Conference.  Post-graduate students who presented papers at the 1999 and
>2000 conferences will automatically be considered and they may submit up to
>one additional piece of work for consideration by the panel.  The judging
>panel will consist of five members drawn from present and past members of
>the Society's Committee.  The prize is open to competition for anyone
>working as a post-graduate in Caribbean Studies at the UK University.
>Post-graduate students from a UK University who present papers at the
>Annual Conference will automatically be considered for the award, although
>other post-graduates of Caribbean Studies who fulfil the above criteria are
>also eligible for entry.   The one or two pieces of work to be submitted
>for consideration should be up to but not exceed the usual book chapter
>length (about 6,000 words).
>The closing date for the 2001 award is January 31st and all letters of
>application and an additional piece, or two pieces of independent work
>should be submitted to the Chair of the Prize Panel:
>Panel Chair is the Vice-Chair
>Dr. M Rosemarie Mallett
>Social Psychiatry Section
>Institute of Psychiatry
>De Crespigny Park
>London SE5 8AF
>Tel: 44 (0)0207 848 0519
>Ansaphone/fax: 44 (0)207 708 3235
>e-mail/w: [log in to unmask]
>e-mail/h: [log in to unmask]
>Prof Gad Heuman
>Department of History & Centre for Caribbean Studies
>University of Warwick
>Coventry CV4 7AL
>Tel: +44 (0)2476 523408
>Fax: +44 (0)2476 524451
>E-mail: [log in to unmask]
