


>>>"pain" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Oh something I would like to see. Is there a photograph of Pryne on the Net?
I mean I have heard so much about this guy and would like to see what he
looks like.

I've never come across a shot of - or even at - Prynne's mug on the net: not
even in the days when I had an AdultCheck password. (<starfighter>, natch.)

I might suggest you seek out (in meatspace more likely) stray episodes of a
European cartoon series called - I think - "Dr [or possibly Professor]
Snuggles". The eponymous pink-lipped & rather cunicular hero is a dead ringer.
I recall avidly an episode in which Snuggles climbed a tree in order to get a
closer look at the moon through his telescope: a most Prynneal fantasy, I'd

There's also an uncannily resemblant creature (a bona fide vocal doppelganger,
certes) bouncing about in the film "Yellow Submarine", which I have a feeling
is referred to by other characters as Jeremy: though I'll admit - not
unhappily - that it's a while since I saw it. It's always seemed to me too
thoroughgoing a giftie to be an accident but I don't know quite where JHP was
in 1968 and how he might have bumped (or otherwise) into Ringo Starr, say. Can
other list members expand?

(A: Can they ever.)

I think perhaps a photo of an obscure region of Prynne in a convocation of
afterbears can be seen in Iain Sinclair's "Liquid City", but it's rather a
bleary smeary snap so I may be wrong and at any rate I wouldn't order it just
for that.

Some years ago I made a performance work based a bit on Gogol's "Diary of a
Madman" and dressed as Prynne; I'll gladly e-bung you some Polaroids but we're
then edging towards Readers' Wives, insufficiently ginger: which is where we
came in.

Whatever, it's only a matter of time before some Cantab fundamentalist sees
Prynne's face in a bisected pomegranate. Might be easiest just to subscribe to
the Weekly World News and wait for autumn.

PS All listers unfamiliar with him should note that Prynne is not and (to the
best of my knowledge) has never been six foot nine.

Hope this helps to clarify matters.

Incidentally, Stephen, I thought your Christmas Eve spew of cod Keston - a
cove anyway quite able to make of himself the right sort of mincemeat,
seasonally and to taste - was certainly clotheared and possibly imbecilic: but
that was all in another century, and would anyhow do nothing to unpropose
these imminent

kind regards,

chris xx


Chris Goode
Director, _signal to noise_
24 Newport Road
London E10 6PJ

+44 181 556 4492
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