

Hello Rip -

>>>"Lawrence Upton" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Better to do that by judicious selection [...] your notes don't seem to allow
for the posibility of any improvisation, multi-voice, mixed media or non
linear work. Surely some mistake.

In fact I'd go further and say that (with respect; and understanding - I think
- what you're getting at) your guidelines seem altogether inimical to the
ideal firing conditions of properly *live* performance.

It is both pleasant and legitimate to invite your poets to pre-show
refreshment and some statement about particular needs. Yet most poets who
really have thought about what it means for them to read their work in a live
audience-facing setting will have many particular needs which are not about
veganism or wheelchair access but about the freedoms and constraints that they
individually identify as being most likely to bring about a really live
(living, livid, unpredictable, unrepeatable, sensitive, revelatory,
contingent, partial, individual) event.

To be a good host you have to make room for your guests to behave pretty much
as they see fit. I worry that, for example, your hygenic approach would have
sought to prohibit all of the wonderful noise and garbage and extraneity that
not only characterised but absolutely enhanced Ben Watson's performance with
his loose cannon mate Gamma at SVP on Tuesday. It may not be satisfactory for
most audience members if a poet reads in a subaudible monotone, but I think
it's worse to tell poets that they may not do so, as perfectly reasonable (or
reasoned) tactical or effective choices may be behind it, which nobody should
seek to circumscribe.

What you do, quite properly, have control over is the poets that you invite -
though if you don't wind up with a real woofer every so often, an important
part of the idea of the benefits of liveness will have somehow become lost,
and I suspect your regular audience would come to feel cheated.

Maybe the invitation might simply encourage poets seeking further advice on
what sort of thing *seems* mostly to work adequately well?

Pardon this's manifestation in the front garden, but it's part of my ongoing
project to encourage some listmembers to let go of the will to control things
which can't be controlled.

Hope this helps (and provokes a torrent of contradiction),


Chris Goode
Director, _signal to noise_
24 Newport Road   London E10 6PJ
+44 [0]20 8556 4492
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