


We all make mistakes, even - as you mention it - the avantgarde, whatever
that is; but o'brien is powerful and earning his living out of the poetic
status quo; and it is reasonable to expect him to explain. I go
further and say that he has a duty to do so.

In my fuckwit judgement he was taking the piss and there never was going to
be real discussion. The idea that any of *us offended *him makes no
allowance for what I judge to be his own rudeness, the means I
believe by which he qualified for his management post and by which
apparently he defends himself.

If you defer to him; he'll be polite to you. It's the usual one-sided deal.

You might have got a bit further, but you wouldn't have got far. There is
too much at stake. Nothing you got would have been much use.

I don't blame you for ignoring the story I have told you at the end, but it
is true I assure you and I have it documented. This is the real thing, not
not misunderstandings. This is gentlemen's violence (NEW! NOW INCLUDES

I don't have David's estimation of my own debating skills... For
whatever reason, Mr O'Brien ran away. Don't believe me if you cannnot.

signing off

