

From: "David Kennedy" <[log in to unmask]>

> And I think Outposts used to be very encouraging to
> new writers. You could probably find both listed in The
Writers/Artists Year
> Book I mentioned.

The magazine or the pamphlet series?  There was a pretty big
difference, as I understand it.  Though Alan Sillitoe and
D.M.Black's first two pamphlets (?Rocklestrakes was the name of
one of the two, I think) were published by Howard Sergeant in
pamphlet form.

Current editor and address is:

Outposts Poetry Quarterly,
edited Roland John,
22 Whitewell Road,
BA11 4EL.

My impression is that it's more spradic than quarterly, but that
may be because my sub has lapsed.

edited David Holliday,
67 Hady Crescent,
S41 0EB

-- more regular than Outposts is now, and I certainly found the
editor receptive.

One obvious thing to do is get a sample copy (cheaper than a
subscription if you're flying blind) or go the the Arts Council
Poetry Library in London (or Edinburgh for Scotland) -- which is
OK if you're within spitting distance of either metropolis.

A parallel US work to Writers&tc and Peter Finch is _Poet's
Market_, which usefully (given the hassel of International Reply
Coupons, etc.) lists magazines which have email addresses /
accept email submissions.

I notice nobody's mentioned poetry competitions -- is that
because there's an unspoken agreement on that particular ramp?

Robin Hamilton
