

Better people speak than not speak at all

And better too that things be not accorded false respect because of a name
attached to them

Now this below I suspect, insofar as I possess any critical faculties at
all, is a truly terrible poem. By someone who should know better. But here
without the usual mask of irony. No prizes for guessing who, but would
anyone care to defend it? Particularly what seems to be the rhythmic
shambles of the second stanza. As for the imagery, brrrr.

I would think that this would be hooted down in even the most intellectually
impoverished workshop. Well, maybe.

If the night is dark
and the way short
why do you hold back
dearest heart

though I may never
see you again
touch me I will shiver
at the unseen

the night is so dark
the way so short
why do you not break
o my heart


david bircumshaw
