


    Dear Stephen,

    I'm glad that you liked the Don Martin poem. His cartoons were my 
favourite feature in Mad. Mad was extremely influential to me. 
My husband has bought me the Mad CD Roms, which contain all 
the issues from the beginning to '98. I'm having a ball rereading all 
the satires and cartoons I fondly remembered, especially their  wonderful 
parodies of poems. The illustrations that Don Martin 
did in the '50s for poems such as Longfellow's "The Children's Hour" 
are hysterical, and I think they ought to reprinted as a collection. 
I also loved Mad's poetry satires, like the poetry round robin, were 
they showed "Casey at the Bat" rewritten by  Poe,  
~The Raven" rewritten by Joyce Kilmer,  and so on. 
I would love to do a modern version for them. Maybe someday...
I'm very happy that you liked my comics site. I should add more links to 

    I liked very much your poem about the secondhand poetry book --it
captures so well that feeling I get looking at volumes in second hand 
book shops that  evidently had been presented to someone with much emotion, 
and were sold by the receiver of the gift.


