

>"Insult" is an extremely loaded word, Keith.  I don't believe I have
>insulted either an essay or Mr. Prynne personally.  You may feel called
>upon to defend him in this way, but I think it's really not your place
>to do so.

OK, Henry, I'll accept that "insult" was probably the wrong word.  What I
meant to point to was the possibility that you had misread the claims of
these few sentences and anyway had responded to them without much sense of
their context. I also lack that sense of their context. I don't know about
"my place" and as one reader of his work know that Prynne can defend
himself. That's not my intention here. I do have an interest in list
discourse however. I found your objections, shall I say, theatrical. I may
have made the mistake of responding in kind.  Too much election TV perhaps.
I should probably say that I certainly have no objection to theatricality
per se or to opinions being expressed here, but, as our friend in New
Zealand noted, global dismissals deserve and will often provoke a response.
I don't think that one can attack any instance of the personification of
language or language use independent of the proposition that
personification serves.  While I am not altogether confident that I know
exactly what Prynne is proposing given just those few sentences, my
reference to Rorty was meant to indicate that I take your objection to
efforts to "impute volition to language itself" seriously.  But I am not at
all convinced that this is what Prynne is doing. I'll leave it to others to
speak about the matter with regard to various moments in the work of
Heidegger and Derrida. At any rate the point was that this seems like a
serious essay that deserves to be read.  Those on the list who have read
it--Nate, David, Ben, and Chris--seem to think so.  I feared that you were
dismissing it out of hand.  The irony of course is that this stupid little
tiff might now actually sell a few copies of _Quid_.  Keston, if you are
out there, Henry and I deserve freebies.

all best
