

My name is Patricia Jones-Bowman,  I am the test-pilot
of a full-size, engine powered, piloted ornithopter that
we have been testing for 4 years now here in Canada.
Recently I have begun work on my own design in collaboration
with a small group of engineers.
'Nightingale'  [my ornithopter] will take one of two possible forms
...either a monoplane very loosely based on Quetzalcoatlus Northropi
or a biplane based on dragonfly flight.
I hope to use either a membrane wing or a semi-membrane wing
or a hybrid single surface/double surface wing.
Has anyone done research into the control of membrane wings or
any research into man-made membrane wings  ?
Has anyone done research into the travel of the shed vortex with
the intent of phasing the rear wing flapping cycle [in the biplane]
to capture it.
Any help that could give me would be greatly appreciated.
Patricia Jones-Bowman
email: [log in to unmask]